Five Symptoms of Writer’s Syndrome

Think you’ve come down with a bad case of Writer’s Syndrome? Check out these five signs that’ll help you diagnose yourself….

1) Do you fantasize about writing? 

About what your characters could get up, about their pasts and futures, love interests and enemies? Do you gaze off into the distance with an evil smile on your face as your antagonist does something deliciously cruel in your mind? Do you lose yourself so completely that you literally cannot remember what you were just doing? And, most of all, do you answer people’s questions with “hmmm?” Or “huh?” As you’re dragged out of your reverie? 

2) Are you emotionally attached to the imaginary people in your mind?

Do you laugh, cry, feel angry, embarressed or sad when something happens to your characters? Have you decided on a character’s death only to reach that scene and almost/do back out of killing them because you just can’t bear killing off the fake person who you’ve grown to actually love? (And post-death have you sobbed into a pillow the  eaten a barrel of chocolate to help yourself cope?) Are you genuinely excited about what’s going to happen in the story you conjured from nothing? And can you honestly say you’ve never wanted to actually be friends with some of your characters? (Like the fictional people in your head you created – those people!) 

3) Do hours seem to slip away as if time has somehow sped up?

Do you settle yourself in to writing early in the morning then you look up and it’s lunchtime? Do you forget about mealtimes and are only reminded to eat because of your tummy rumbling so loudly it drags you back to reality? Does it get to midnight and you think “five more minutes” then suddenly it’s 4am and you have to be up in a couple of hours to do actual real life things?  Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in the world to get your writing done?

4) Do you ever worry that even if you lived for two hundred years you’d never be ‘done’? 

Do you feel that no matter how much you wrote, no matter how many hundreds, thousands or millions of words you got down you’d never reach a maximum? Is writing something you’re compelled to do like it has become as important to you as eating or sleeping?

5) Do you sometimes have to force yourself to be social to make sure you don’t become a hermit that lives in the hills?

When in writing mode do you have to make a conscious effort to put the story away and just be in the real world for a while? Do you plan social events in advance so you can keep that time aside for being away from your writing? But do you also, when being out, think about writing when you get back home later and find yourself being inspired for events that could happen in your book while you’re out?


If you answered yes to any of these questions (especially if it was more than one…) I’m afraid you just got diagnosed with Writer’s Sydrome!


Writing a blurb…..seriously sucks…

So I have spent many many hours trying to come up with the best blurb possible for my upcoming YA fantasy novel Creeping Shadow! And what have I learnt?

Writing a blurb suckssss!!

I can write thousands of words to make a novel but apparently summing it up in a few hundred is just anout the most impossible thing ever. But after a lot of moaning, sighing, deleteting words and swearing at my cat I have come up with a blurb! And now I need some feedback!

So here it is the blurb to Creeping Shadow (Book One in The Rise of Isaac Series) that will be available to by December 2015 (woo!)…………….

A man waits in Vale, a world void of humanity.
A mother vanishes, her disappearance concealed by the police.
A girl falls from her bed, black veins encircling her heart.
And a boy linked to them all must fight to save his family.

Earth is just one of seven worlds. Gateways divide the realms and those who pass through must earn a key for each one, participating in challenges that will separate the fearful from the brave, the weak from the strong, and the witless from the cunning.
Meet sixteen year old Oliver Knight. He knows nothing of the other worlds or his family’s dark past. But when his adopted sister succumbs to a deadly curse the truth is revealed and he is plunged into an unknown land in a desperate plight to save her. Though Oliver soon discovers that not everyone is on his side and he must choose who to trust, who to believe and, ultimately, who to run from.
The journey begins with a devastating truth, whispers of a rising cult, a race against time, and an enemy that lurks in the shadows…


The Freestyle Writing Challenge (Challenge accepted….)

Thanks to Candice for nominating me for this fun challenge! Check out her blog she’s a fantastic writer and you’ll love her posts – don’t pass her by! 

So – what’s the challenge I hear you cry? Here’s the rules…

Rules of the Challenge:

1. Open a blank document.
2. Set a stop watch or mobile phone timer to 5 minutes.

I’ve posted a topic at the bottom of this post for you to use as your inspiration but don’t scroll down until the second you’re ready to write!!!!

Once you start writing don’t stop until the alarm sounds! (Or else!)

3. Do not cheat by going back and correcting spelling and grammar using spell check. (The challenge is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought-flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write with correct spelling and grammar.)

4. You may or may not pay attention to punctuation or capitals.

5. At the end of your post, write down “No. of words = ____” to give an idea of how much you can write within the timeframe.

6. Copy and paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new topic for your nominees, and copy / paste these rules along with your nomination of three bloggers (or more if you like!). – also feel free to take part in this challenge anyway even if I don’t nominate you! 😆
Here’s the freestyle writing challenge I was nominated for:

The inspiration for my challenge (supplied by Candice) was this –

You have just purchased your first home. It is old and not in the best condition. It is so terrible that everyone even the neighbors has warned you not to purchase it, but you have. On day one of moving in, as soon as you step across the threshold of the front door, you are transported into another place in time. Where have you gone? What is happening there? Who is there with you?

And here is my five minute freestyle response. I managed 213 words 😆

I bought this house on a whim. I was warned not to, but I’ve always been one to do the opposite of what people tell me. Now here I am with this old dump which I simply swore I could fix up within a year. I jiggle the keys in the lock and step over the threshold. I remember the layout of the hallway well, it was dark and smelt of damp; the floorboard rotten to the core and a large hole on the left where the wood has collapsed right through. But this isn’t the place I remember. I blink as I take in the room as I hear the door click shut behind me. The floorboards are like new, there’s no damp, no mildew, no fungus, woodworms or leaky ceiling. This room looks like it must have fifty years ago, maybe more. A wisp of light catches my attention in the corner of my eye. I swing about, squinting in the direction of the kitchen which I know consisted of a grimy sink and stank like mould. I step toward the wisp of light which is now hovering in the doorway to the kitchen. 


The wisp makes a noise like a finger running around the rim of a wine glass.  

Here are my nominations:

1) Tanaz Masaba

2) Inkcouragement

3) Susanne Valenti


You drop in unexpectedly on a friend to suprise them after returning from a long trip. You find their front door wide open and decide to go inside. After calling out and recieving no response you move further into the house. On inspecting the lounge you spot a bookcase across the room which has been dragged forward to reveal a door. You cross the room and hear angry voices approaching from behind. What do you do? 
Have fun! 😀

If you laugh…you have to subscribe! Mahahaha

Okay so i have very few subscribers and though I deeply love you both (haha) I would like to have a few more!

BUT I’m not asking you to subscribe willy nilly. Why would you? When you could be out subscribing to J.K.Rowling, or Cassandra Clare or George R.R Martin. Why don’t you go subscribe to those people right? Afterall, they’re offering you something already! 

So I present to you a challenge! If you laugh at the following meme you must honour your vow to subscribe but if not I’ll let you go on your way – and I don’t want any pity subscribers either! 

By subscribing to my newsletter you’ll get all the latest updates on my writing before anyone else! But also tips, tricks, and deals! I won’t spam you either, I promise! And, of course, I won’t share your email with anyone else and any time you want to unsubscribe you’re just one click away from doing so!

Here we are then….remember if you laugh you have to subscribe! If you can’t face the pressure then maybe you should turn back before it’s too late!

Laugh = Subscribe

No Laugh = May we meet again
You can click up there to subscribe or you can click here to subscribe

Or even ———————–> here
Oh and, just for your information, this one seriously had me laughing 

I’ve been Nominated for the 777 Challenge (Yay!)

Thank you to Marjma for nominating me! 

Her blog is fantastic you should check it out. Click here to visit her page.

The idea of the 777 challenge is to share a snippet from a WIP (Work in progress) then nominate others to do the same! 

Here are the rules:

– Go to page 7 of your WIP (Or an older work that you have done and just love.)

– Scroll down to line 7

– Share the next 7 sentences in a blog post.

– After the excerpt tag 7 other writers to continue the challenge.

BUT I’ve recently shared the seventh page within the prologue to my fantasy YA novel Creeping Shadow so I’ve decided to share line 7 of the seventh page counting from chapter one (I hope that’s not breaking the rules too much! – try calling 777 if you’d like to complain hehe)

So here’s my excerpt:

 “Should we go in?” May asked, peeking under his arm.

 Oliver nodded and crept into the room. He brushed his fingers across a box on the bed and found a layer of dust deposited on it. A tingle ran up his spine as he got the distinct feeling that the room was somehow sacred, left untouched for years. He pushed his fingers under the lip of the closed box and lifted it slowly. The cardboard resisted, unmoving. He frowned and tugged at it harder but the box wouldn’t open.

And here’s my nominations:

1) Phantomwriter143

2) Isabellesudron

3) Rachelloon

4) C.S Wilde

5) Jacobemet

6) Rlsharp

7) Dileepsankhla

Cover Reveal for Creeping Shadow

The moment has arrived!

I’m extremely excited and proud to present to you the cover for Creeping Shadow (Book One in The Rise of Isaac Series)

For those of you who don’t know…
The Rise of Isaac is a five part series following the story of Oliver Knight on his quest through the seven worlds to save his sister from a lethal curse.

Book One, Creeping Shadow Synopsis:
Sixteen year old Oliver Knight discovers the existence of six other worlds after his adopted sister, May, falls ill to a lethal curse. The curse links her to the famous animageti-Gateway terrorist, Isaac Rimori, who murdered Oliver’s father in cold blood to gain access to the seventh world.

The only way to save May is by travelling to the next world, but entering each one requires the completion of a challenge and time is running out…

Coming to Amazon Kindle in December 2015

© Caroline Peckham and, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Caroline Peckham and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Cover Reveal Countdown!

You may have noticed the fancy countdown timer on my home page and (if you’re that observant!) you may also have noticed that it is set to just ONE HOUR

That’s right people! It’s now less than one hour to go before I share the cover of Creeping Shadow with you…hold onto your socks…because they’re about to get knocked off…

The Would You Rather Book Tag

I’ve been tagged in the would you rather book tag! Thanks so much to lovingyoochun for tagging me whose blog you can find here:

Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?

Trilogies! I find a standalone leaves me wanting. One book just doesn’t quite have enough platform to get me truly head over heels LOVING the characters. 

Would you rather only read male or female authors?

I wouldn’t consciously choose male or female but looking through my favourite novels I definately have mostly female authors so I guess I have a subconscious preference!

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon? 


Definitely Amazon! I am a bit of an Amazon fiend actually; I use them for Kindle, Prime Instant Video and generally order all my DVDs etc from them. I also plan to publish with them later this year so I’m practically their biggest consumer haha.

Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?

I can’t deny I LOVE going to the cinema on opening night for the latest book adapted film e.g Hunger Games – BUT if they made the Hunger Games into a TV series I’d be in Heaven. So it has to be tv for me – it has the same affect as a series of books I just get so much more attached to the characters and the experience lasts so much longer

Would you rather read only 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

Five books per week! I have been known to do this anyway…

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

AUTHOR – This. Is. My. Ultimate. Dream! 

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Booksellar I think as Librarians have to be so quiet and I’d rather chat away discussing the books with the customers

Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?

Favourite genre for sure! Though I’m not sure if I could pick between fantasy and sci fi!

Would you rather only read ebooks or physical books?

Hmmm…I love real books but I have to confess I generally read everything on my kindle since I bought it. It’s just so practical and easy to bring every where I go! I can also prop it up when im in the bath on a bath tray which has solved the issue of me getting books damp!

I also love the fact that I can basically carry my entire book collection with me everywhere I go. When I go on holiday I have a whole array of books to choose from and there’s no weight limit like there would be with real books!

Thanks for reading! Here are my book tags (if you’ve done this before don’t worry about doing it again!):

How to be a Successful Writer (Using the Hogwarts’ Houses Method)

Writing takes a combination of skill, determination and passion and I think this can be broken down using what I like to call the Hogwarts’ Houses Method (that’s right!)

The first thing you need to be as you begin your writers journey is brave!

Yes! No writing will get done until you switch off that little voice inside your head that tells you that you can’t do it. Forget the fear of being judged and Gryffindor the hell out of that first draft! 

If you want to (and I bet you do) think of that evil little voice as voldemort….and who does he think he is anyway?!

Now you’ve got to have a few brain cells to rub together to get down to business with the rewrite (don’t worry just a few!) So this is the part where you can stroke your chin thoughtfully and take a leaf out of Rowena Ravenclaws book. Take your time and perfect the writing to the best of your ability!

Once you send your work off to Literary Agents you may find yourself in the place that most writers do; rejected. So we need to be extra Hufflepuff here people! They aren’t phased by anything and are suuuuupppppper patient. These are qualitites that you’ll need to succeed ultimately. You need to play the lonngggg game but, with a bit of hufflepuff loyalty to your writing, it’ll be more likely to pay off!
And some people mock Hufflepuff so I thought I’d give this little reminder…

Finally! You’re allowed to go a little Slytherin (gasp!) that’s right, even they have some qualities you’ll need. Just a little sprinkle of cunning…


No I’m not saying go write your name in blood on the walls near the chamber of secrets! (But that sure would be one hell of a promotion technique if you did!) I’m just saying you need to be imaginitive to help achieve what you want. If you wana get your book out there through traditional means or self-publishing you have to find creative ways to promote yourself! Connect with people! Make other cunning little friends and help them to achieve their goals in return! But please people let’s not become death eaters about it…
Whisper in people’s ears! This might work for you. Or better still, tweet, blog and network!

And remember, there’s thousands of free ways to promote your work so don’t splash out too much money on this – you’ll only get muggled off….

Thanks for reading!